Thursday 16 February 2012

And So it Begins

Greetings all!  I welcome you to accompany me along this wild semester in Wellington, New Zealand.  I hope to keep this blog thing up fairly regularly as a sort of record of my adventures.

I was bored waiting for my delayed flight
So I guess I can start off just with my trip thus far.  I'm on day 3 of being in Wellington and the things I've done so far!  First off I got off the plane in Auckland and immediately was assaulted by this wave of humidity.  It was just kind of lightly raining, and I had to walk from the terminal I arrived at to the Domestic terminal, which was about a 15 min walk outside.  Now I could've taken a free bus to the domestic terminal but hell, it was 70 degrees outside and I'd just sat on planes for the past 16+ hours, who cares if it's raining?  Everything was ridiculously green, and almost tropical looking.  Lots of wide brimmed leaves and large frondy bushes with big flowers.  I was pretty damp by the time I got to the domestic terminal, but it was worth it.

View from my room
The flight to Wellington was only an hour, but who do I sit next to?  Why an American woman who's son works for WETA and has met Peter Jackson.  I spent the entire ride just talking with her about WETA's amazingness and she told me about the castle Peter Jackson lives in north of Wellington.  Apparently it's a legitimate castle with towers and everything.  Insane.  Hopefully I can worm my way into WETA and get to meet some of their awesome designers or even happen upon an actor or two!!

I got picked up at the airport and dropped at my apartment complex, which is essentially just a string of buildings right next to campus.  There's about six flats per building with five people in a flat.  It's a typical suite style, everyone has there own room and then there's the kitchen, living room, and bathroom.  As soon as I got in though I met up with one of my flat mates, Amy from the UK, and she and took me out to lunch (I was starving!!) and then went to pick up some groceries at the local chain store called New World.  I'll do another post about that later.
This was on my bullitien board: fits me PERFECTLY

After that it was just kind of a unpacking day; I got in at 2:30pm (local time) but was so tired.  I made myself stay up til about 10 so I wouldn't have horrible jet lag.  As it so happened, our other flat mate Jeff, he's the RA in the building and a kiwi, was around so I just sat down and was chatting with him.  He seems like a really good guy, super chill, and an industrial design student at Massey.
Well that's for my first day.  Pretty sure I've recovered from jet lag so far!  I'll post some more later =D

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